HOUSE Pronunciation in English
Table Of Content More meanings of house How many points in scrabble for house Examples of house How to Pronounce house? house Intermediate English Discover the difference between storey and story, what they mean, and how to use them in a sentence. I’ll also answer the plural form of storey and whether to use storys or stories. I say blouses and spouses with a /z/, but that's because the singular also is pronounced /z/ in many varieties of English. I pronounce house with an /s/ and houses with a /z/, and of course the verb form "to house" I pronounce with a /z/. I grew up in Boston+NY and have always said "houZes". More meanings of house A house is a kind of building that people live in. Such buildings are often made for just one family. Both “house” and “home” are nouns that refer to living spaces. How do we know when to use one or the other? Tipperary cycling club, Black House Racing, enjoying successful spell - Tipperary Live Tipperary cycling club, ...